titanic at cherbourg
1:350 scale model by Art Braunschweiger
L e n g t h o v e r a l l 3 0 - 1 1 / 1 6 i n ( L e n g t h o f a c t u a l s h i p 8 8 2 f t 9 i n )
The model shown on this website was built to replicate the White Star liner Titanic as she appeared in Cherbourg harbor shortly after dropping anchor around 6:30 pm on April 10, 1912. The 1:350-scale Minicraft kit was used as the basis for this build, with specific modifications made for historical accuracy. These were based on new information discovered in the decades since the original molds for the kit were tooled based on the few plans then available for Titanic and her not-quite-identical sister ship Olympic. In addition, hundreds of other details and scratchbuilt parts - plus three separate lighting systems - were added to create a model as realistic and true to history as possible in its scale.
P r o j e c t s t a r t e d S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 3
C o m p l e t e d A p r i l 2 0 1 7 ( 1 3 - 1 / 2 y e a r s )
C o m p l e t e d A p r i l 2 0 1 7 ( 1 3 - 1 / 2 y e a r s )
__________________ HOW IT WAS DONE: ________________
Sources for illustrations, specifications and technical information include plans published by Robert Hahn and Bruce Beveridge; the plans and drawings in the book RMS Titanic: A Modeler's Guide by Peter Davies-Garner; the discussion forum on the former Titanic Research and Modeling Association; the information in the two-volume set Titanic: The Ship Magnificent; and my own research. Much of the initial planning for modifying the kit parts was drawn from The Rivet Counter Tutorial by Dan Cherry, David Cotgreave and Stephen and Michael Pell. My sincere thanks to the many individuals who selflessly shared information and photographs from their personal research, often ahead of its being published elsewhere: Bruce Beveridge, Scott Andrews, Daniel Klistorner, and Steve Hall; Raymond Lepien, Bob Read, Jonathan Smith, Mark Chirnside and Peter Davies-Garner. Orrin Ford will always have my gratitude for discovering the lightproofing material that made realistic illumination of this model possible. And not least of all, thanks to all the past TRMA members who were so generous with their compliments on this model during its construction and waited more than a decade for its completion.
- Art Braunschweiger
- Art Braunschweiger
Benchwork: Tools and Techniques Used
On the Personal Side : Questions and Answers about building this model
Books, Articles and Flag Reference
Website by Art Braunschweiger
Thanks to Dave Abate for proofreading
Thanks to Dave Abate for proofreading